Here’s my take on some of the education news hitting the headlines this week…See Articles
Tougher Maths in primary school curriculum review
Pupils in England’s primary schools will be expected to know their 12 times table by the age of nine, in a revised national curriculum.
There will be an emphasis on improving arithmetic in changes for schools proposed for September 2014.
There are also plans to scrap the current system of levels used for Sats tests and measuring pupils’ progress.
Everybody is in favour of improving standards and higher levels of literacy and numeracy.
It is, however, very important that educational professionals themselves are given a chance to have their say when it comes to major changes.
I agree that we should beware of’ ’ministerial whims’ and concentrate on strong consultation with the people on the ground.
Firms offer school leavers remedial classes... Article link
Many employers are providing remedial classes for school and college leavers, a major annual survey suggests.
A third of 542 firms surveyed for the Confederation of British Industry and Pearson were unhappy with youngsters’ literacy and numeracy skills.
This is just more evidence of the shortcomings of the education system. It will be interesting to see how the D of E respond.
June 13th, 2012