A politicised education system will always fall short!
With regard to the recent news that the UK is lagging behind in terms of global education standards I have to say I’m afraid Mr Gove is...
Free School head checks scaled back… unbelievable!
** Free school head checks scaled back ** Documents leaked to the BBC show ministers agreed to scrap pre-appointment checks on...
Start education at age 6 or 7 is a good idea!!
Here’s my take on the following story from BBC education School should start above age five Children should not start formal school...
Private tuition risks learning gap… cuts take their toll!!!
COMMENT FROM NEVIL CHILES, MD OF K&C TUTORS & WEBTUTORNET BBC website story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-23973213 It has to be...
One exam stream for each subject needed!
More pupils taking GCSEs earlier http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/education-23521378 The fact that students are retaking subjects...
Pupils ranked at 11..disappointing and destructive
Here’s my take on the recent news that 11-year-old pupils will be ranked against peers… ** Pupils face national rankings at 11 ** Primary...
National curriculum changes
Here’s my take on the following UK education story… ** Curriculum to match world’s best ** A revised national curriculum for schools in...
Tech levels a positive step forward
Tech-levels to have A-level status http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/education-23168781 I think this is a very positive step by the...
Here’s my take on this story that appeared recently on the BBC website… Schools failing brightest pupils A culture of low expectations is...
GCSE changes welcome but why tinker with grading?
Education expert Nevil Chiles, founder of online tuition platform Webtutornet and London and South East private tuition agency Kensington...
Private tutors offer exam advice..keep calm and carry on!
KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON! Private tutors reveal their top ten exam and revision tips “Keep calm and carry on” is one of the overriding...
UK education changes cause pupil anxiety
A recent survey of 200 private tutors has revealed a palpable sense of anxiety and uncertainty about the future on the part of many...
Exam grading based on birthdate ….give me strength!!!
Here’s my take on this recent story that appeared in the national media Summer-born need exam score boost http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-...
Latest blog on level sixth form playing field call
** Level sixth-form playing field call ** The government should level the playing field for post-16 education in England, the Sixth Form...
Gove on History curriculum changes…for once I agree!!
** Historians back Gove curriculum ** Some of the UKs leading historians endorse Education Secretary Michael Gove’s new history...
Make A Levels worthwhile not dumbed down nonsense!
My views in relation to this recent story on A Levels… A-level plans challenged by school and university heads...
School playing fields NEED PROTECTING!!!
We need to protect ALL school playing fields from greedy government sponsored developers and two hours a week of sport should be an...
No surprise that teacher morale is low!
It is hardly surprising that teacher morale is low. Government incompetence continually undermines the profession. Free schools and...
Teacher morale is extremely low right now – action required!
** Teachers who quit up by a fifth ** The number of teachers who quit their jobs in English state schools rose by almost a fifth in one...
** UK education sixth best in world ** An international education league table puts the UK among a leading group of countries headed by...