Improve Compulsory Education for Future Generations
We are being left behind by the rest of the world because our compulsory secondary education system is confused and complicated.
One Examination Organisation – What’s the down side?
What we need is one body setting examinations for each subject; two exams for each...
Streaming and Setting. Should we or shouldn’t we?
It’s hard enough taking my 8 year old son to football tournaments where everybody ‘takes part’ but nobody wins. God forbid somebody loses...
Centralise UK Compulsory Education NOW
The government is constantly looking for ways to save money; printing costs alone would save millions.
Bigger classes for budget efficiency – WHAT NONSENSE AGAIN
Does the government just trawl through statistics in an effort to find a way to lower standards through budget cuts?
What History should our children learn if they leave school at 16?
As a History graduate with a continuing keen interest, I think it is vital for pupils to be given a proper grounding in the past.
What’s the point of compulsory education?
It’s a big question with many answers; often conflicting. I have been involved in education professionally for nearly 20 years.
Gove exists in parallel universe – stop politicising education!!!
Education secretary Michael Gove strongly indicates that he wants to introduce formal assessments for four and five-year-olds.
As IT moves forward we should seek to tackle cyberbullying
As a father of three and Managing Director of a company providing web-based learning this a very worrying report.